



Homology between Unicist Concepts and Stem Cells

The function of stem cells in the human body is homologous to the function of concepts in the field of human actions. While stem cells can give rise to specialized cells and thus organs, essential concepts allow building unicist objects.

Essential ConceptUnicist objects are adaptive systems that have a concept and generate added value within a quality assurance system to fulfill the purpose of the concept. Unicist objects are interdependent entities that integrate a complex adaptive system.

The knowledge of the essential concepts is basic to build unicist objects because these objects are the materialization of a concept.

Under certain conditions, organs can be transplanted and this is also the case of unicist objects that can be replicated as long as they belong to homologous and analogous entities.

Objects are inserted into processes to produce specific results. The same way stem cells have the potential capacity to give birth to human organs, concepts can give birth to objects to produce results.

The knowledge of the Unicist Theory allows using a double dialectical approach to reality to emulate the organization of nature using an object driven organization.

Nature is organized by objects which can be observed in the ecosystem. The human body is an example of the organization of nature, where organs are homologous to unicist objects. That is why the transplantation of organs became possible.

While the structure of the different organs of the body derives from the stem cells, the unicist objects derive from the essential function of an entity that is defined by its concept.

Properties of Stem Cells and Concepts

Stem Cells


They are unspecialized They are universal
They are capable of self-renewal They are timeless
They can give rise to specialized cells They allow building operational functions

Thus, stem cells and concepts are homologous. While essential concepts allow the construction of objects to insert into human adaptive processes, stem cells allow the building of organs that work as unicist objects to sustain the functionality of a complex adaptive system such as the human body.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Evolution is Purpose Driven: The Discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature

Darwins finchesThis research began in 1976 with the hypothesis that in nature there are mutations that are random but others that are driven by a purpose.

If this hypothesis was confirmed and there were a purpose, Peter Belohlavek concluded that there would have to be an intelligence that defined such purpose.

For this reason, Belohlavek researched on the essential structure implicit in nature’s intelligence to be able to predict and exert influence on the evolution of complex adaptive systems when possible.

Charles Darwin demonstrated the adaptation process of species that, having the same structural constitution, developed adaptive changes to live in a certain environment.

The hypothesis of Belohlavek’s research was that these changes were driven by an intelligence that underlies nature.

The Unified field of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of NatureHe concluded that each living creature’s evolution is ruled by its ontogenetic intelligence, that defines it as unique both in its species and individuality and that the essential structure of this intelligence is integrated by a purpose, an active principle (entropic function) and an energy conservation principle.

The research was focused on the unified field of living beings.

The basic assumption that sustains this development is that the evolution of living beings, their behaviors, actions and deeds are driven by the same logical structural framework.

This implies that there is an intelligence that defines the structural behavior of any entity that integrates this framework that allows predicting the behavior of all the entities where this intelligence is known.

You can find the complete document on the “Discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature” at: http://www.unicist.org/repo/#Unicist

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

The mutation law of viruses has been discovered

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The unicist ontological mutation law of viruses was discovered after six years of research. This research, led by Peter Belohlavek, was based on the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature and on the unicist ontology of evolution.

It made the discovery of the institutional immune system possible.

The Object Driven Immune System of Institutions

This discovery is a breakthrough that has direct application from life-sciences to social sciences.

There will be four scientific private presentations this month on Monday 27 and Tuesday 28. A synthetic video will be available next week.

The consequence of this discovery changes the paradigms of business organization, management and evolution.

Your comments are welcome.

Executive Committee
The Unicist Research Institute

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