Transforming EMR into Adaptive Patient Centered Systems

Medical efficacy implies that physicians need to work within the complexity of human biology. They work in the field of adaptive systems. This implies that their efficacy curve has to be functional to deal with low programmed activities. Protocols sustain this essentially low programmed activity.

healthcare-cyberneticsParadoxically, there is a widespread perception that EMR/EHR has a low added value for medical practice. This perception hinders the upgrade of medical practice.


1)  Is it that EMR and EHR have little added value or is it that they were designed as administrative systems?
2)  Is it possible to transform administrative EMR and EHR into adaptive systems with administrative information?
3)  How can the misuse of the transparency of the system be avoided?

These are some of the questions that can be solved using an object driven approach to healthcare.

The objects included in the EMR and EHR should emulate the problems physicians need to solve in their minds in medical practice. The basic objects are:

  • Diagnoses
  • Cures
  • Palliatives
  • Patients evolution
  • Prevention
  • Decision making
  • Knowledge bank

Objects driven EMR or EHR are such when they become a necessary part for physicians practice such as a golf stick is for the golfer or a racket is for a tennis player.

There have to be objects for exclusive private use with no access to anyone, such as the decision making alternatives a physician considers, and other objects that can be shared.

Administrative EMR or EHR can only be information reservoirs, legal defendants and control systems. The integration of object driven systems including adaptive objects with administrative functions is the conceptual answer to the problem. Basically, a new concept for interfaces is required.

Changing the interfaces is the first step to enter in the new stage where the computer is a natural part of the physician’s practice.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

The next stage: Unicist Patient Centered Management

Patient Centered Management (PCM) is an organizational meta-model that allows empowering the work processes in healthcare institutions. It is homologous to Client Centered Management that is the natural model to guide work processes in businesses that was developed in the eighties.

Patient Centered ManagementOn the one hand, it works as a conceptual action guide to design work processes and, on the other hand, it is the main catalyst for continuous improvement, change management and innovation management.

PCM is driven by patient orientation. The purpose of the model is to assure results, and includes a quality assurance system that sustains the value added.

The information technology that sustains the PCM implies the integration of the three concepts that underlie healthcare IT:

  • EMR, to sustain physicians’ activities
  • EHR, to deal with the diseases
  • EPR, to provide a safety environment for patients

Based on the functional and legal context, this integration works in a different way in each culture.

The PCM provides a conceptual structure of rules that makes an optimal integration of these IT solutions possible and introduces the concept of adaptive interfaces in order to ensure adapting to the feedback.

Meta-models require being extremely focused in order to avoid being perceived as meaningless. By definition they need to be ambiguous because they need to allow adapting to the specific operation of different environments.

Meta-models describe the natural structure of an activity. Therefore, they are cross-cultural, needing to establish the operational rules respecting the characteristics of the environment. These meta-models make the saying “design globally, operate locally” become real.

The specific PCM is mainly focused on satisfying the needs of the patients within an environment where all participants win. The purpose of the model is to establish the unified field of the therapeutics process, taking advantage of all the technologies available and minimizing the participation of different “health” providers to solve the patients’ problems.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

Unicist Logical Approach: Diagnoses managed as medical objects

Medical objects are encapsulated adaptive processes that have the necessary quality assurance to generate a predefined result.

Diagnostics Quality AssuranceMedical diagnoses happen within the scope of medicine but are regulated by the functional rules of universal diagnostics and are driven by the semiotic signs the diagnostician identifies.

Diagnoses can be considered from two different points of view. Seen from the diagnostician’s standpoint, they are a process that needs to be done to identify the problem that needs to be cured. But seen from the point of view of the therapeutic process, they are a medical object that defines the objective of the therapeutic process.

As a medical object, they need to have the necessary quality assurance to be fully reliable. To achieve this reliability they need to be based on reliable knowledge and develop the necessary destructive and non-destructive tests to confirm their validity.

As an object, they work as an adaptive system that modifies the diagnosis based on the feedback from the environment until the therapeutic process has shown its accuracy. The destructive tests are necessary to evaluate the limits of validity of the diagnoses while the non-destructive tests are done to confirm their functional validity.

To manage diagnoses as medical objects it is necessary that the EHR includes the possibility of managing them as adaptive systems.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

Unicist Cybernetics: The Unicist Standard for EMR/EHR

Medical efficacy implies that physicians need to work within the complexity of human biology. They work in the field of adaptive systems. This implies that their efficacy curve has to be functional to deal with low programmed activities. Protocols sustain this essentially low programmed activity.

unicist healthcare cyberneticsParadoxically, there is a widespread perception that EMR/EHR has a low added value for medical practice. This perception hinders the upgrade of medical practice.


1)  Is it that EMR and EHR have little added value or is it that they were designed as administrative systems?
2)  Is it possible to transform administrative EMR and EHR into adaptive systems with administrative information?
3)  How can the misuse of the transparency of the system be avoided?

These are some of the questions that can be solved using an object driven approach to healthcare.

The objects included in the EMR and EHR should emulate the problems physicians need to solve in their minds in medical practice. The basic objects are:

a)    Diagnoses
b)    Cures
c)    Palliatives
d)    Patients evolution
e)    Prevention
f)     Decision making
g)    Knowledge bank

Objects driven EMR or EHR are such when they become a necessary part for physicians practice such as a golf stick is for the golfer or a racket is for a tennis player.

There have to be objects for exclusive private use with no access to anyone, such as the decision making alternatives a physician considers, and other objects that can be shared.

Administrative EMR or EHR can only be information reservoirs, legal defendants and control systems. The integration of object driven systems including adaptive objects with administrative functions is the conceptual answer to the problem. Basically, a new concept for interfaces is required.

Changing the interfaces is the first step to enter in the new stage where the computer is a natural part of the physician’s practice.