Business strategy




Business Hackers; the Agents who Introduce Business Viruses

Business Hackers are individuals who need to implant business viruses in institutions in order to demonstrate that they are able to dominate them.

They tend to do everything in their way disregarding the use of established methods, procedures and taxonomies to achieve goals.

To introduce viruses they propose short-cuts to achieve profit. Their success is achieved when their proposal is accepted by the greed of their counterparts.

Their butterfly behavior is sustained by conjunctural justifications and the exertion of power. They might use active power or the power of inaction.

Their destruction goal is integrated by envy which is driven by greed and jealousy. They use greed to profit from the environment at a materialistic or emotional level while they feel jealous of the power the organization has.

They are fulfilled when the organizational goals become degraded. They justify their actions by believing and saying that the organization is not such because it could not resist their actions. They are homologous to “computer hackers”.

Inhibiting and entropy-inhibiting unicist business objects are the anti-viruses needed to neutralize their actions.

Access a synthesis on the “Discovery of the The Unicist Ontology of Business Hackers” that is available at the Scientific Dissemination Program. You will find there other syntheses that might be of your interest:

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

Global Expansion of the Unicist Confederation

September 23, the 35th equinox of The Unicist Research Institute, was chosen to be the day for the launching of the new stage which consists of the worldwide multiplication of the Unicist Confederation. We invite you to toast on September 23, at 7:00 pm New York time (sharp).

The launching of the collection for business architecture is what allows now the participation of clients in the field of the businesses of the Unicist Confederation:

The next stage is the final structural stage. The following stages will deal with conjunctural aspects.

Finally we are, in the Unicist Confederation business, where we needed to be. I would like to make a synthesis of the next business growth period.

Our goal is to build corporate partnerships with the major clients. That is what will expand the business. We will start dealing with 40 corporations. Partnerships are only possible between peers. This is what TURI, the Unicist Confederation and the Unicist Corporate University are about.

We have the major gravitational force that can be available for a business, which is the research of The Unicist Research Institute (4,100 until September), which continues growing.

We also have a live gravitational force which is Peter Belohlavek who might be one of the major scientists in the history of humanity because of the depth of his discoveries and the width of his research in complexity sciences. The discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, the unicist ontology of evolution and human ontointelligence are a demonstration of the depth of the researches that changed the world forever.

The Unicist Business Architecture is now the participative bridge between science and business, it allows everyone to influence with a grounded or groundless opinion.

From now on Peter Belohlavek will be only participating as a scientist to sustain the Unicist Confederation.

We have to become world leaders in the commercial field in six months using the power of the technologies applied to business expansion (including both growth and improvement). March 2012 is the deadline. It has to be the demonstration of an “avalanche”.

Considering the ontology of growth that is in the book of the Crisis 2008, we can say that we have all what is needed to “multiply”. Growth is the most difficult problem to be solved in business. That is why we are there, and the unicist research found the solution for it.

We invite you to toast and participate in the new stage.

Installing an expansion-model in the Healthcare Industry

The expansion of businesses implies expanding their vital space. This requires having both a growth ethics and a growth ideology.

In order to grow, healthcare businesses need to have the capacity to expand the boundaries with a strong patient-orientation and need to be able to develop a competitive advantage that has to be perceived by the market.

Growth is based on an attitude, which is what appears on the surface of the integration of growth ethics and growth ideology.

Growth is an attitude that is perceived, in most of the cultures, as a taboo. Therefore, it needs to be justified with an additional value generation for the market and for the coming generations.

Installing an expansion-model requires a leader who represents this growth ethics and ideology and is able to transform them into operational procedures. This leader has to be strong because s/he has to overcome the opposition of the conservatives who will try to avoid the expansion of the business in order to sustain their comfort zone.

Business Architecture needs an integrative vision

The architecture of a business solution needs to be achieved with an integrative vision in which the individual sees the solution as a unified field, being capable of describing then the elements that integrate such solution.

This requires being able to face a reflection process. In the following lines you will have access to a research work carried out by a group of researches from Northwestern University, Drexel University, Philadelphia and Source Signal Imaging.

“People sometimes solve problems with a unique process called insight, accompanied by an “Aha!” experience. It has long been unclear whether different cognitive and neural processes lead to insight versus noninsight solutions, or if solutions differ only in subsequent subjective feeling. Recent behavioral studies indicate distinct patterns of performance and suggest differential hemispheric involvement for insight and noninsight solutions.”

Access the complete paper:

The Unicist Ontological Structure of Small Businesses

Five extremely successful growth programs with small businesses were the final test for the unicist ontology of small businesses.

Unicist Ontology of small BusinesessThe knowledge of their ontology allows small businesses to expand their activities without changing their nature. It also provides the limits of the expansion possibilities.

As it is self-evident the purpose of small businesses is profit. They are successful when their leaders are product/sales wizards meaning that they are able to influence their niche ensuring revenue.

At the same time they are investment reluctant. Any expenditure that has no necessary relationship with incomes is considered an investment and needs to be avoided. That is why they do not develop brands.

When they are involving they manage through cash-flow in order to ensure their survival. But successful small companies work with short term objectives and fully controlled operational action plans. The cash-flow is their final validation.

They use business objects basically to promote their products and services to generate revenue.

Organizations and their parts have a beginning and an end

The “Unicist Ontology of Organizational Equilibrium” describes the nature of organizational evolution. It is integrated by nine principles.

unicist-ontology-organizational-evolutionWe are presenting here one of the principles which is the one that rules the necessary action to develop maximal strategies to make business grow.

a) Every change of values implies the elimination of values, meaning that there is an end and a beginning.
b) Every organizational change implies a change of the values of the organization.
c) Organizations change from the outside to the inside and from top to bottom.
d) The results of changes need to be measured in the short and the long term.
e) The elapse of time makes the organizational structure of benefits obsolete.

Values are the materialization of ethics at an operational level. Organizations that seek for permanence need to die and rebirth with each change in order to adapt. No beginning nor change can exist if the ends are not accepted.

The apparent paradox is that the “end” is the energy conservation element. Beginning something new without finishing the preexisting organization is a utopia.

Learn more about the trend of ontology based solutions for businesses:

Business Growth: How business miracles work

Human miracles occur when an extraordinary achievement has been accomplished by a man or a woman.

Business MiraclesA miracle can be defined as: an unexpected event manifesting a supernatural act of a divine agent.

Business miracles are in fact unexpected turning points in a business producing extremely desired and necessary results.

While developing solutions in Unicist Market Labs we have witnessed several business miracles. All these miracles have the same fundamental structure:

1) There is a “crowd” (group) with extreme needs.
There is a spontaneous massive behavior of the crowd (group). They behave as a mass of believers in something or someone.
The solution is implicit in the crowd’s behavior.
There is a leader who is able to discover the solution in the crowd’s behavior and make it happen.

The leaders  appear as magical, but in fact their magic is their extreme ethical behavior that allows them understanding the needs, read the solution and make it happen.

Individualism, rationalism and human complexes are the main inhibitors of business miracles.

An example of a business miracle is Apple after the return of Steve Jobs in 1997.

Businesses are built to provide materialistic welfare

Work is a basic condition in business. Work in business implies using force to produce a displacement that generates value. This is the economic power of businesses.

The Unicist Ontology of Human ResponabilityIt has to be considered that the economic power is basically individualistic oriented.

In the materialistic world the same “thing” cannot be shared.

Money is in my pocket or it is in your pocket. It cannot be in both places at the same time.

That is why the nature of the materialistic world is the dualism which naturally drives towards fostering activities based on individual initiatives.

Materialistic activities are naturally driven by individual responsibility.

This means that the institutions that develop materialistic activities need to understand and manage the individual needs of their members in order to be successful.

Market segmentation: the core of success in business

Segmenting implies, in the real sense of the concept, “talk” with a person as she/he is, without needing to project on her what we need to see.

Unicist SegmentationUnfortunately, there are few people who have the necessary interest in others so as to identify their characteristics in order to deal with them and not with the shadow of their own projections.

Most of the people tend to talk their way making the counterpart responsible for whatever misunderstanding happens.

Segmenting implies having a true interest in a person in order to make the effort to make an empathic introjection, which means being able to find the characteristic of the counterpart in oneself.

It requires also exerting the necessary influential sympathy to make the counterpart vibrate in harmony with what is being communicated.

The core of market expansion is market segmentation. Selling implies helping people to buy. If you know the prospect, you can decide to sell her/him what s/he needs. If you do not know the prospect, you will be depending on chance.

As Sun Tzu said:

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of hundred battles.  If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.  If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Comments are welcome: Why Sun Tzu doesn’t consider the possibility of knowing the enemy while not knowing yourself?

The Unicist Standard for Business Growth

Business Growth is the most complex problem to face in management. The objective of the Unicist Standard for Business Growth is to establish the rules that need to be considered when developing growth programs.

There are two simultaneous actions that need to be developed to make a business grow:

1) Conjunctural actions to take advantage of opportunities.
2) Structural actions to develop the structural growth of a business.

Fundamentals of Business GrowthThe Unicist Standard defines the conditions to develop both conjunctural and structural growth in business.

The process is approached considering:

a) The context for growth
b) The critical mass for growth
c) The operation for growth

Considering its conceptual structure, it can be said that the establishment of an adequate context is the final goal to be achieved, the operational structure for growth allows producing it and the critical mass allows saving energy in the process.

The context for business growth needs to be diagnosed because the changes of a context happen very slowly and if the context is not adequate, the project cannot be implemented.

*Excerpt from the book “The Unicist Standard for Business Growth” by Peter Belohlavek.

More info:
Free Access to e-book: “The Unicist Standard for Business Growth”