Efficacy in the 4th Industrial Revolution

Efficacy is needed to deal with adaptive environments. Professional efficacy is based on the existence of a personal purpose that sustains the motivation and makes the activity meaningful. This purpose provides the necessary energy to overcome the difficulties that are implicit in any adaptive behavior. This purpose is materialized through the functional intelligence to manage the activities that works as the catalyst of efficacy.

Professional Efficacy

Efficacy requires that the roles the work processes provide be meaningful. It also requires that the people have the necessary functional knowledge to assume the responsibility for results and enjoy the tasks that need to be developed.

Thus, the personal purpose is the gravitational force that sustains efficacy and the intelligence people have is the catalyst that makes efficacy possible. Efficacy is replaced by efficiency when there is no purpose or no functional intelligence to manage the environment. Efficiency implies the use of trained automated behavior to deal with work, which is functional to manage programmed work processes.

The Research

The research on efficacy became an urgent matter to define the next stage of automation, which implies increasing the level of adaptability of organizations. This research was led by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute.

It was based on expanding the intrinsic concept of efficacy that was researched almost 40 years ago.
This research required implementing adaptive automation with the participation of executives and professionals to find the fields where their efficacy is functional to the goals of organizations. It included the development of the necessary destructive tests to confirm that the behavior was based on conscious intelligence and not on unconscious automatisms.

You can find the new stage of business organization demanded by the introduction of adaptive automation, the use of telework and new aspects of management in the 4th Industrial Revolution at:


Organizing the adaptability and customer orientation of businesses reinforced by the 4th Industrial Revolution requires the necessary efficacy that is functional to the characteristics of the business and that people work within the framework generated by the use of adaptive automation. It has to be considered that the efficacy of people in a specific field defines their learning capacity. The core of organizing is installing people in jobs where they have their highest level of efficacy.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: Since 1976, The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a world leading research organization in its segment. https://www.unicist.org/turi.pdf