Daily Archives: January 18, 2021




Expansion of High Complexity Medical Practice

The expansion of high complexity medical practice requires using prestige objects that allow empowering the brand of an organization through the prestige of its participants.

It requires developing actions based on the existing and previous patients that confirm the predictability, reliability and respectability of the practice in order to constitute a reference value that works as an attractor for people.

It requires the integration of expertise objects, quality assurance objects, reliability objects and participation objects to open the organization to the patients.

The language of these objects requires using on the one hand patient’s language in order to establish a fluid communication and goodwill, but on the other hand it requires using medical language to establish an asymmetric complementation that allows building the necessary reference value that expands the activities.

This type of expansion requires the use of digital communication and digital objects.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.