Functionalist Technologies

About us

The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a private global research organization that became the world leader in its segment. It has been the pioneer in sciences applied to evolution since 1976. It is an organization of doers, by doers, for doers.

TURI was founded as an unincorporated association by Peter Belohlavek who introduced the functionalist approach to sciences. The research center is complemented by an academic arm, a business arm, and an intelligent systems unit.

The Unicist Research Institute sponsors The Unicist School of Science and Technologies with more than 100,000 followers in 56 countries.


The introduction of the use of functionalist principles allowed managing the roots of the functionality of things and the root causes of problems. This implies that all the members of our organization manage the root causes of problems and, if they cannot be found, use palliatives until it is possible to find the roots of the functional structure of the solutions.

The Unicist Confederation: The Business Arm

The business arm is organized as a confederation of partners that insource in companies the unicist business technologies that were developed at The Unicist Research Institute. The Confederation is integrated by two divisions:

1) A Business Solutions Division: This division provides solutions to companies developed through collaborative R&D processes.

2) A Business Technologies Division: This division offers technologies, tools, and protocols for business processes, including the necessary educational programs.

The Unicist Corporate University: The Academic Arm

The academic arm is a Business School that provides unicist functional technologies to individuals in companies. The Business School has two divisions:

1) A Graduate Education Division: This division provides master-programs for graduates in the field of Unicist Strategy and Scientific Research on adaptive environments.

2) An In-House Universities Division: This division installs in-house programs within existing universities or in-house universities focused on functionalist technologies.

Unicist Systems: The Building of Intelligent Systems

The development of the Unicist Logic and the consequent Unicist AI allowed building cobots (collaborative robots), intelligent systems, and intelligent applications to manage businesses. Unicist Systems is divided into two divisions:

1) Unicist AI Division: This division develops tools to manage the unicist logic and new versions of the Unicist Ontological Diagnostician.

2) Unicist Business Objects Division: This division develops intelligent applications with adaptive automation that include business objects.


Peter Belohlavek

Peter Belohlavek



Wes Spears

Wes Spears



Dr. Carlos Velez

Dr. Carlos Velez

Unicist Council

TUS - Argentina

Noemi Brown

Noemi Brown


Chief of Staff

Diana Belohlavek

Diana Belohlavek

Dean of the Unicist

Corporate University

Diego Belohlavek

Diego Belohlavek

VP Applied Research

& Technologies

Martin Alvaro

Martin Alvaro

VP Corporate

& Professional Partnering

Alejandra Maidana

Alejandra Maidana

Technological & Scientific

Sharing Coordinator

Applied Research

Diego Belohlavek

Diego Belohlavek

VP Applied Research

& Technologies

Research Partners & Associates

Raffaele Angelone

Raffaele Angelone

Research Associate


Iain Bubb

Iain Bubb

Research Associate


Miguel Camacho

Miguel Camacho

Research Associate


Luciano Corvalán

Luciano Corvalán

Research Associate


Dr. Kenneth Cust

Dr. Kenneth Cust

Research Associate


Gustavo Flamerich

Gus Flamerich

Research Partner

Adaptive Systems


Pam Hege

Pam Hege

Research Associate


Omar Jimenez

Omar Jiménez

Research Associate


Praveen Malla

Dr. Praveen Malla

Research Associate


Luis Mansur

Luis Mansur

Research Associate


Dr. Vladimir Starov

Dr. Vladimir Starov

Research Associate


Paulo Monjardim

Paulo Monjardim

Research Associate


César Pilco Flores

Dr. César Pilco Flores

Research Associate


Werenshon Ramos

Dr. Werenshon Ramos

Research Partner

Enterprise 4.0


Jesús Sánchez-Martorelli

Jesús Sánchez-Martorelli

Research Associate


R&D Partner


The Weston Group’s Automation & Digitalization Division made an agreement with the Unicist Corporate University to provide concrete solutions to problems beyond the current state of automation in healthcare organizations.

Website: - Phone: +1-832-368-5488


Contact Information

The Unicist Research Institute Inc.

10101 Southwest Freeway, Suite 205 Houston, TX 77074

Int'l Phone: +1-315-506-6720


The Unicist Research Institute

Research Center:

Uriburu 662, Adrogue (1846)


Int´l phone: +1-315-506-6875


Copyright© 2025

The Unicist Research Institute